
Head office

1-3 Beacon Court, Birmingham Road, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 6NN

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday – 9.00am – 5.00pm

Friday – 9.00am – 4.30pm


Switchboard: 0121 358 0966
Fax: 0121 358 0934

Report Repairs

In order to report a repair you must telephone the repair line.

From a landline: FREEPHONE 0800 849 1400

From a mobile: 03030 30 1000

*Calls to 03030 numbers cost the same as a normal land line number (even from a mobile), or are completely free if the caller has free minutes within their mobile phone tariff.

To report anti-social behaviour:

Telephone – Lusefa Salamon – Tenancy Services Officer on – 0121 358 0966

Or Email:

If you prefer to complete the contact form below we will come back to you within 3 working days or less. If you do not hear from us please call 0121 358 0966.

Please choose from the options below who you want to direct your email to.