
Tenant Satisfaction Measures


Overall satisfaction with the service provided by us


Satisfied the home we provide is well maintained


Gas safety checks completed


Agree we treat tenants fairly & with respect

The government body called The Regulator of Social Housing has set the following Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) which housing associations must report on each year.

These are five core set of defined measures to help tenants see how well their landlord is performing:

  1. Keeping properties in good repair.
  2. Maintaining building safety.
  3. Respectful and helpful engagement.
  4. Effective complaint handling.
  5. Responsible neighbourhood management

There are 22 measures, 12 of these measures come directly from our annual customer satisfaction survey, 10 come from information we hold in our internal measures on our operational activity.

These measures have been devised to guide standards and improve the quality of social housing by ensuring housing providers are accountable for the services delivered to their tenants.

Nehemiah Housing will continue to run ongoing perception surveys on a yearly basis at three intervals, i.e. July, November, and March to understand how tenants feel about the services we provide. By completing the survey we gather your replies from the Tenant Satisfaction Measures alongside additional measures which help us gain information on areas that we think are important.

Before the TSMs framework was introduced, we were already conducting regular   customer surveys and therefore it has always been important for Nehemiah Housing to hear how we’re performing from our tenants perspective.

The first year of formal TSMs data collection started April 2023, and we are now in the current season to the report to the regulators and our tenants the full year performance (April 2023 – March 2024).

This ongoing survey is carried out by our research partner, MEL Research, who are very experienced in overseeing these surveys on behalf of landlords. They will contact our tenants by phone to ask the questions. The tenants will be chosen at random to take part in the survey.

Please note that not all of Nehemiah Housing tenants are included within the TSMs as Leaseholders (shareholders) are not part of the TSMs.

This feedback is used to direct our improvement plans, influence decision making and enable our tenants to check in on our performance.

Your views matter to us. We dedicate time to reviewing your comments to understand how you feel and what we need to do to improve on our performance. Where tenants respond with dissatisfaction, we aim to follow up directly so we can get a better understanding with the hope of doing thing differently.

The Tenant Satisfaction Measure figures reported shows Nehemiah Housing’s end of year performance (April 2023– March 2024). Performance measures from the satisfaction survey are based on 342 responses received during that time. If you have taken part, thank you for sharing your views. This provides us with an accurate picture of how our customers are feeling about the services they receive from us. MEL Research carry this survey out on behalf of Nehemiah Housing. As a thank you to all tenants that had participated, they would be entered into a prize draw with a chance to win a £50 Love to Shop Voucher.

Mel Research selects participants at random, ensuring that they receive feedback from tenants across our different regions and tenures.

We also check that we are hearing views from all background – looking into age group, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality, and religion.

With the survey being conducted throughout the year where the fieldwork was split over three periods: July 2023, November 2023 and March 2024. This will enable us to listen to the very latest views and respond quickly. Results are reported and comments are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the relevant teams.

On a quarterly basis we carry out deep dives into the topics which need attention, so we can ensure the relevant strategic and local action is carried out. If customers have told us that they are happy to be contacted about their response, and where concerns are raised, our Housing Services team will get in touch to discuss how we can put things right. Where comments are raised which are deemed a cause for concern such as safeguarding or welfare, these are confidentially passed on to the relevant colleague to act on efficiently. Where we receive staff praise and positive feedback, we also always ensure that is passed onto the relevant teams.

MEL Research hears tenant feedback for our TSM performance through our perception survey.

We ask a set of questions set out by the regulator, which have to be asked a specific order and use specific wording to enabling comparison to other landlords. The regulator’s guidance is here.

The questions asked by MEL Research would align to the regulator’s guidelines

For more information on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures and how they affect you, please visit Tenant Satisfaction Measures – Summary of RSH requirements (accessible) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Learn More About Our Approach to Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Read Our Report

A Snapshot Of Our TSM Performance


See how our results compare to other housing associations.

Tell Us What You Think and Have Your Say

Let us know if you know how we can provide better services or improve how we do things.

Your feedback has shaped initiatives that help tackle key issues and improve how we deliver our services so it is important to have your say.

There are lots of ways to get involved so that together we can create the best possible housing and communities for you our tenants to enjoy.

We will continue to gather TSM data and share it with our tenants on a regular basis to ensure we are transparent about our performance and provide tenants with certainty in the services we deliver.

Marcia Cunnison – Customer Engagement Officer

If you would like to know more please contact our Customer Engagement Officer Marcia Cunnison by emailing Marcia.Cunnison@nehemiah.co.uk or by calling 07739 705 048 or 0121 358 8030.  

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