Henry Court, Dudley
Henry Court in Dudley has 38 self-contained flats and offers a relaxed lifestyle, peace of mind and comfortable living. Each flat has its own lounge, kitchen and bathroom with level access showers. The range of facilities on-site include:
- 24-hour warden call alarm system
- Residents lounge
- Dining room
- Hair salon
- Laundry facilities
- IT Suite
- Assisted bathroom
- Guest room
- Quiet room/meeting room.
Enhanced Features
Henry Court has a lovely vegetable garden and green house which the residents maintain themselves. It also has a comfortable communal lounge, dining room and quiet room,
The following features are also included:
- Colour coding corridors – to aid memory in location.
- Key safes added to each flat so that as individuals needs change these are available and ready for use.
- Multi–agency partnerships working on the scheme to ensure that our customers can remain living as independently for as long as possible.
- Meal provision service via our on-site caterers.
The best way to decide which one of our retirement living schemes is right for you, is to arrange a tour. Contact us to discuss our schemes or ask any questions by emailing housing@nehemiah.co.uk or calling us on 0121 358 0966.
Contact details for Henry Court are below.

Supported Scheme Officer Lorraine Martin
Henry Court
Charlton St Dudley DY1 3AF
Telephone: 01384 240093