
Have Your Say - Rent Consultations

We are currently preparing to set rent levels for April 2024 – March 2025. 

Each year, the amount by which our tenants rent can be increased by is set by the government using the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) at previous Sept plus 1%.

At their next meeting in February, our Board need to decide about what increase to apply to rents next year. We are still waiting for confirmation from the government about what the increase can be, but we are expecting around 7%. We think this is the minimum required to keep the business running and meet tenants’ priorities. Our Board are keen to hear what tenants think so they have a clearer picture before considering our recommendation.

Submit your views in our survey

Have you put your views across to us by completing the survey that was sent out to you. Here is a link to that survey

As a registered social landlord we try to keep rent affordable for all our tenants. Rents are only increased by the amount needed to invest in your homes to keep them in good condition, maintain services offered and ensure that we can offer housing as a financially viable organisation.

We understand the impact that the continuing cost of living crisis is having on tenants and that many of you are struggling with higher prices for energy, food and general living costs. Many tenants are having to make difficult choices about heating homes and buying food.

We are committed to maintaining services which support our tenants. Our biggest expense is carrying out repairs and maintenance and improving homes and neighbourhoods. We are expecting to spend circa £2.7 m repairing & improving our homes and neighbourhoods in 2024/25.

We held a meeting on zoom on 18th January and all tenants were invited to attend but we understand some of you couldn’t attend so please take a look at some of the items we discussed at the meeting below. This was information presented during the meeting

Your views are important to us and as we mentioned earlier we do have a short survey that you can complete here or if you would like to discuss this in more detail, please email contact@nehemiah.co.uk with the subject ‘Rent Consultation’ and your name and address details and your views and ideas on the rent consultation.