
Get Involved With Governance       


Tenants involved in 2022/23


Compliments Received


Tenant meetings held in 2022/23


Walkabouts completed during 2022/2023

You Are At The Heart Of All We Do

Our core commitment is to our tenants – to providing safe, comfortable, affordable housing within supportive communities for each and every tenant.

To ensure our tenants remain at the heart of all we do, we have created key roles within our governance structure that provide tenants with the fantastic opportunity to make a real difference to the work we do and the services we provide.

If you’re able to commit some time to our roles, we promise you a rewarding experience. You’ll gain a greater understanding of Nehemiah and your housing scheme as well as the housing sector in general.

This group is made up of tenants and the leadership team. Together, they discuss a range of issues and ways to improve our housing services for everyone. Consulted on all tenant-related policies as well as procedures and current issues affecting Nehemiah and its tenants, this group works in conjunction with Nehemiah’s Operational Committee.

We have several tenants as part of this committee, which is responsible for providing assurance in the services we deliver to all our tenants, before producing an action plan for further enhancement to the service delivered.

Several of our tenants assess our services and highlight areas we are achieving and areas in need of improvement, to ensure we can provide a high-quality service to our tenants.

Marcia Cunnison – Community Partnership & Engagement Officer 

If you would like to be involved in governance, please contact our Community Partnership & Engagement Officer Marcia Cunnison by emailing Marcia.Cunnison@nehemiah.co.uk or by calling 07739 705 048 or 0121 358 8030.  

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