
We’re Supporting Tpas Scrutiny Week 2023

Posted on: 02 Oct 23

We are proud to be supporting National Scrutiny Week, which runs from 2nd October through to 6th October this year.

Returning for its fourth consecutive year and run by Tpas the resident engagement experts, Scrutiny Week highlights the achievements of tenant-led scrutiny and celebrates ways for scrutiny learning, sharing and networking.

What Does Nehemiah Do To Support Scrutiny Week?

We believe strongly that tenant-led scrutiny provides tenants with a voice, a means to play a part in how our housing association is run. It also enables staff and tenants to work together to achieve enhanced performances and outcomes.

This is why we have a policy review panel that consists of our tenants, to review our policies and procedures.

To highlight our belief in consulting on key policies and procedures that might impact on our tenants, so far in 2023 we have:

  • Consulted on the refurbishment of our buildings, including Seacole Court, Father Joe Taaffe, and Shanti Niketan
  • Reviewed our Anti-social Behaviour and Safeguarding Policies

What Happens During Scrutiny Week?

During Scrutiny Week 2023, which runs from 2nd October till 6th October, Tpas is running a range of different events and activities designed to encourage greater take up and celebration of tenant-led scrutiny.

There will be free digital online workshops and various networking sessions, as well as the Tpas Scrutiny Conference in the middle of the week. Participants in the sector are encouraged to get involved – to book an event or share scrutiny success stories on social media, for example.

You can discover the schedule for Scrutiny Week 2023, here, and book your place on your chosen activity or event.