
Talk Money Week 2023

Posted on: 06 Nov 23

We’re proud to be supporting this year’s Talk Money Week, taking place between 6th and 10th November.

An annual campaign, Talk Money Week exists to encourage everyone to talk about their finances and to be open about money.

What Happens During Talk Money Week?

Everyone is encouraged to be honest about their financial situation and to talk freely about money, during Talk Money Week.

It is a great opportunity for people of all ages to get involved by having conversations about their money – at every level, from pocket money through to income and pensions. The main aim is to get people talking about money, and to keep talking.

Throughout the week of 6th and 10th November, there will be events and activities across the UK to help people open up about money.

This year’s theme is Do One Thing – designed to help improve your financial wellbeing. The One Thing can be small as it is all about taking the initial step towards better financial health.

 You can find more information about Talk Money Week, here.

Why Talk Money Week Matters

It’s important for individuals to get the support they need for any money worries or concerns they have, and to not struggle alone.

By talking about money, research shows people are much more likely to make better financial decisions, to encourage their children to have good money habits, and to feel more in control of their finances.

Talking about money reduces stress levels and helps to build confidence about finances and the ability to cope with different situations and challenges.

You can find free financial tools and calculators on MoneyHelper.

What Can Nehemiah Do To Help?

We are here to support all our tenants, ensuring everyone can live in affordable and comfortable housing.

Tenant wellbeing is at the heart of all we do, and we are able to provide support on cost-of-living issues as well as on money matters.

If you have any financial concerns, get in touch with us straightaway. You can contact your Housing Officer or call us on 0121 358 0966 or email contact@nehemiah.co.uk and we will do all we can to help.

We also work in partnership with Birmingham Settlement to provide free and independent advice to help you manage your finances and help with money matters. So please remember there is someone there to help you.

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