Posted on: 05 Feb 23
Nehemiah Housing Association is supporting Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, which takes place from 6-12 February 2023.
During Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, we are reminding our tenants about the services available to keep themselves, and everybody else, safe.
Sexual abuse is a serious crime which includes a number of coerced sexual acts where the person does not consent or feels pressured into consenting.
This form of abuse can include rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing/innuendo, sexual photography or being subjected to pornography.
In other words, any kind of sexual activity or act that took place without consent.
You can join the conversation on social media using #itsnotok and follow @itsnotok2023 & https://sexualabuseandsexualviolenceawarenessweek.org/
Help and support is out there and the following contacts may be helpful for those looking for somewhere to turn or to gain information.
Rape Crisis England and Wales – 24/7 helpline: Call free on 0808 500 2222
Rape and Sexual Violence Project (RSVP) Birmingham based – Open to survivors and victims of all genders, including children. Offers a helpline, ongoing therapeutic support, support with access to the criminal justice system and resources for supporters of survivors.
- Helpline 0121 643 4136 see for opening hours https://rsvporg.co.uk/services/helpline-support/
- Self-help resources: https://rsvporg.co.uk/resources/self-help/
Survivors UK offer support for men and boys who have been subjected to sexual abuse. Online resources, group work and helpline across the whole the UK
NHS Help after rape and sexual assault – https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health/help-after-rape-and-sexual-assault/
You can also get involved in Birmingham’s One Billion Rising Flashmob in Birmingham on 14 February https://www.onebillionrising.org/about/campaign/
You can also speak to our Tenant Wellbeing team – find out more about how we can help here https://nehemiah.co.uk/your-home/tenant-wellbeing/safeguarding