Debt Awareness Week 2023: How Can We Help?
Posted on: 20 Mar 23
We are proud to support Debt Awareness Week this March, taking place during the week of Monday 20th through to Sunday 26th.
Step Change Debt Charity’s annual Debt Awareness Week helps to raise awareness about the help and support available to people wanting to become debt free. During the week, Step Change provides tips, advice and guidance for individuals experiencing financial concerns, money worries, and debt anxiety.
The charity has more than 30 years’ experience of helping people to find ways to manage their finances and reduce their debt. In 2022, Step Change helped more than 25,500 clients to become debt free.
Step Change
Step Change has an online debt advice tool to help you if you have any money concerns. Simply tell them about your situation and they will give you practical advice for free on dealing with your financial worries.
Sometimes, the hardest step is the first one. Start by opening up about your financial situation and the help you need by contacting Step Change and accessing their debt advice and help during Debt Awareness Week.
Nehemiah Is Here To Help
At the core of everything we do at Nehemiah Housing is support – we provide affordable and comfortable homes for our tenants within a supportive community.
Being supportive means being here for our tenants whenever they need us, and this includes when they have financial worries.
So always contact your Housing Officer if you are struggling with rent payments or paying household bills, and we will do all we can to help. We will work with you to create a better payment plan to pay off any rent debt you have and can also put you in touch with local charity Birmingham Settlement who can help you with advice on budgeting, accessing benefits and dealing with any debt worries.
We work in partnership with Birmingham Settlement to provide free and independent advice to help you manage your finances and get out of debt.
You can find money saving tips that include a benefits check and useful websites to access help from the government and local councils, and money advice that includes information about Birmingham Settlement, on our website.
If you need support with any financial matter – paying off debt, making rental payments or increasing your benefits – Nehemiah Housing is here to help.