
Keep Our Communities Clean & Safe

Posted on: 11 Mar 25

Say No To Fly-Tipping

At our recent Tenants Conference keeping our communities clean was one of the topics raised by some of our tenants. Nehemiah is committed to keeping our communities clean, safe and pleasant for our tenants and their families to live in – and we need to all work together to say no to fly-tipping to help ensure this happens.

By being mindful of how and where we dispose of rubbish, we can avoid the negative issues for the environment and local community that fly-tipping can cause.

What Are The Risks Of Fly-Tipping?

Fly-tipping and not disposing of rubbish in the proper way can have serious consequences for people in the local area.

The risks of fly-tipping include:

  • Fire
    Piles of rubbish left in the wrong area can block exits and cause fire hazards or can catch on fire if left unattended – both of which can be extremely dangerous for homes and people in the community.
  • Rats
    Vermin love rubbish, which is why areas that have piles of waste attract rats and mice. Once they’ve moved in, it’s hard to get rid of them so it is best to dispose of rubbish properly to reduce the likelihood of pests in the community.
  • Bad Example
    Fly-tipping has a knock-on effect as it can encourage others to behave in a similar way. If everyone takes responsibility for their rubbish, it’ll help to keep the neighbourhood free from rubbish.
  • Unpleasantness
    Having piles of rubbish in an area makes it seem rundown and neglected – not a place to be proud of living in.
  • More Rubbish
    Fly-tipping can block access to bin collection areas and stop the weekly rubbish collections from taking place, causing more rubbish to build up in the area and worsening the situation for the community.

How You Can Help To Prevent Fly-Tipping

We all want to live in clean and safe communities – and if we all take responsibility for our own rubbish, we can help to maintain neighbourhoods we’re proud to call home.

There are things you can do in the fight against fly-tipping, including:

  • Say No
    Look out for fly-tippers and report any signs of fly-tipping so it can be stopped before it gets any worse.
  • Use Special Services For Large Waste Items
    When needed, the local authority offers a service for removing large items for around £40. This is the best way to dispose of bigger items without damaging the environment or community.
  • Go To The Local Recycling Centre
    Take your waste to the local recycling centre as this is the kindest option for the environment and your community.

Nehemiah Is Here To Help & Support

Nehemiah is committed to our tenants’ wellbeing and providing housing within supportive communities – by all pulling together to take a stand against fly-tipping, we can maintain our clean, safe and happy communities.

You can contact your local authority to find out more about bulky waste disposal or to report fly-tipping.

To discuss any concerns about your community or ideas for enhancing our shared spaces, get in touch with your Housing Officer or call us on 0121 358 0966 or email contact@nehemiah.co.uk and we will be happy to help.